Never before have women held so much power to shape the future.
With so many pressing global issues happening in the world right now, do you feel called to make a bigger difference, and leave a legacy that impacts generations to come?
Here’s the thing:
You can't do it alone, and you can’t do it running on fumes.
The Dalai Lama says, “the world will be saved by the Western woman.”
The time is NOW for you to come together in sisterhood with other women, release your "good woman" conditioning, and master living life in a whole new way -- from your DESIRE!
Will you answer the call, and step forward into the larger life that’s calling to you?
Never before have women held so much power to shape the future.
With so many pressing global issues happening in the world right now, do you feel called to make a bigger difference, and leave a legacy that impacts generations to come?
Here’s the thing:
You can't do it alone, and you can’t do it running on fumes.
The Dalai Lama says, “the world will be saved by the Western woman.”
The time is NOW for you to come together in sisterhood with other women, release your "good woman" conditioning, and master living life in a whole new way -- from your DESIRE!
Will you answer the call, and step forward into the larger life that’s calling to you?
Do you struggle with any of the following?
Body Shame:
Do you experience paralyzing fear and insecurity about the way your body looks?
Fear of Rejection:
Do you fear showing others how you feel or what you want because you fear being turned down? Do you feel awkward or self-conscious around expressing your sensual side for fear of others not liking it?
Do you find yourself wanting to fix, manage, correct, handle things so they go your way? So you don’t fail? Do you worry if you’re not controlling things, they’ll fall apart?
Performance Anxiety:
Do you fear that you don’t know what you’re doing in the bedroom? Do you have anxiety about “looking awkward” that kills your enjoyment of intimacy and pleasure?
Loose Boundaries:
Do you struggle to set clear boundaries and say “no” when you mean no, especially in sexual situations?
Lack of Sexual Appetite:
Do you frequently feel turned off, like you’re in “man mode,” and struggle to drop into your sexual desires?
Compare & Despair:
Are you caught in the trap of comparing yourself to others and never feeling good enough? Do you constantly question yourself and your decisions?
Fear and Indecision:
Do you struggle with knowing what you want (in bed and in life), and how to clearly communicate it, so your needs can be met by a partner?
Self Sabotage:
Are you so afraid of being “too much” that you hold yourself back from asking for what you really want?
Sensual Frustration:
Do you know more pleasure is possible, but struggle to fully let go? Do you desire wall-bending, earth-shattering sex, but are frequently disappointed (or don’t know how to get there)? Do you fear that your emotional and sexual needs will never be met?
Do you struggle with any of the following?
Body Shame:
Do you experience paralyzing fear and insecurity about the way your body looks?
Fear of Rejection:
Do you fear showing others how you feel or what you want because you fear being turned down? Do you feel awkward or self-conscious around expressing your sensual side for fear of others not liking it?
Do you find yourself wanting to fix, manage, correct, handle things so they go your way? So you don’t fail? Do you worry if you’re not controlling things, they’ll fall apart?
Performance Anxiety:
Do you fear that you don’t know what you’re doing in the bedroom? Do you have anxiety about “looking awkward” that kills your enjoyment of intimacy and pleasure?
Loose Boundaries:
Do you struggle to set clear boundaries and say “no” when you mean no, especially in sexual situations?
Lack of Sexual Appetite:
Do you frequently feel turned off, like you’re in “man mode,” and struggle to drop into your sexual desires?
Compare & Despair:
Are you caught in the trap of comparing yourself to others and never feeling good enough? Do you constantly question yourself and your decisions?
Fear and Indecision:
Do you struggle with knowing what you want (in bed and in life), and how to clearly communicate it, so your needs can be met by a partner?
Self Sabotage:
Are you so afraid of being “too much” that you hold yourself back from asking for what you really want?
Sensual Frustration:
Do you know more pleasure is possible, but struggle to fully let go? Do you desire wall-bending, earth-shattering sex, but are frequently disappointed (or don’t know how to get there)? Do you fear that your emotional and sexual needs will never be met?
Aimee & Ellie have combined 30 years experience and expertise, and together have created Feminine Reclamation: an immersive 4-month program for women.
This is a DEEP DIVE experience with two expert intimacy coaches - where you will transform your relationship to your desires, your body, men, and so much more - in an immersive group of women who are committed to their own feminine growth journeys.
Aimee & Ellie have combined 30 years experience and expertise, and together have created Feminine Reclamation: an immersive 4-month program for women.
This is a DEEP DIVE experience with two expert intimacy coaches - where you will transform your relationship to your desires, your body, men, and so much more - in an immersive group of women who are committed to their own feminine growth journeys.
Over 4 months, we’ll take a deep dive to...
Heal and free you from emotional wounds of the past
Turn on your inner magnet, so you attract the attention, love, sex, and money you desire
Fundamentally shift your views and perspectives around men and sex (you won’t even recognize yourself!)
Create massive up-levels in your growth, healing and transformation
Forge lifelong sisterhood connections
Experience more ease & fun in your sex life, dating and relationships
Discover what you want and gain confidence in asking for and receiving your desires
Become the most confident, abundant, sexy YOU
Strengthen your “trust muscle” and gain greater resiliency (and the ability to truly thrive!) through these uncertain times
Experience pleasure and sensation like NEVER before
Over 4 months, we’ll take a deep dive to...
Heal and free you from emotional wounds of the past
Turn on your inner magnet, so you attract the attention, love, sex, and money you desire
Fundamentally shift your views and perspectives around men and sex (you won’t even recognize yourself!)
Create massive up-levels in your growth, healing and transformation
Forge lifelong sisterhood connections
Experience more ease & fun in your sex life, dating and relationships
Discover what you want and gain confidence in asking for and receiving your desires
Become the most confident, abundant, sexy YOU
Strengthen your “trust muscle” and gain greater resiliency (and the ability to truly thrive!) through these uncertain times
Experience pleasure and sensation like NEVER before
This program will lead to better:
"I just find myself so much more self-assured and willing to sit in the discomfort and feel every ounce of it. I can be so much more raw and emotionally vulnerable with people, and can recognize the power of the way I interact with those around me - both men and women - and can see the ripple effect it has on how they interact and view the world as well."
- Jamie
"I see how my doing this work is impacting generations. I just went home for my 11 days with my family and still was able to make myself a priority. It was one of the most pleasurable trips home in 7 years. We laughed and we cooked, had amazing connection. I have never felt so ok with myself. Especially back home."
- Morgan
"My relationship has been more sexy, exciting, deep, spiritual and connected than it has EVER been. Owning my desires has permitted me to have the most incredible sexual experiences with a partner that I had been very unsatisfied with before this work. It’s like I am falling in love all over again in my relationship of three years."
- Chloe
"I never knew this level of sisterhood was even possible. I used to have this belief that I couldn’t have close friends because everyone has their own issues they’re dealing with. How limiting! Because of Feminine Reclamation, I now feel so safe, loved and supported in sisterhood, and I will continue to prioritize it in this community, and beyond!"
- Althea
This program will lead to better:
"I just find myself so much more self-assured and willing to sit in the discomfort and feel every ounce of it. I can be so much more raw and emotionally vulnerable with people, and can recognize the power of the way I interact with those around me - both men and women - and can see the ripple effect it has on how they interact and view the world as well."
- Jamie
"I see how my doing this work is impacting generations. I just went home for my 11 days with my family and still was able to make myself a priority. It was one of the most pleasurable trips home in 7 years. We laughed and we cooked, had amazing connection. I have never felt so ok with myself. Especially back home."
- Morgan
"My relationship has been more sexy, exciting, deep, spiritual and connected than it has EVER been. Owning my desires has permitted me to have the most incredible sexual experiences with a partner that I had been very unsatisfied with before this work. It’s like I am falling in love all over again in my relationship of three years."
- Chloe
"I never knew this level of sisterhood was even possible. I used to have this belief that I couldn’t have close friends because everyone has their own issues they’re dealing with. How limiting! Because of Feminine Reclamation, I now feel so safe, loved and supported in sisterhood, and I will continue to prioritize it in this community, and beyond!"
- Althea
Topics You Will Master and Own
Conscious Relationships
Feminine Power
Manifesting Your Desires
Understanding Men & the Masculine
Erotic Secrets
Topics You Will Master and Own
Conscious Relationships
Feminine Power
Manifesting Your Desires
Understanding Men & the Masculine
Erotic Secrets
This program is a space where you get to:
Release shame and trauma around intimacy, your body, sexuality, and talking about sex & intimacy
Breakthrough your sex, love and money blocks
Gain the ability to let in the kind of love, touch and attention you desire from men (or whoever you date)
Master your relationship to your body -- understand your body’s natural cycles and rhythms and how to live in alignment with them
Do less while having greater results & be more effective in your work
Be loved and witnessed in your truest self: your emotions, feelings and thoughts will be celebrated and honored
Learn to trust yourself and your intuition
Be held and guided by two expert coaches over four months
Are you ready to unleash your most confident, radiant self?
This program is a space where you get to:
Release shame and trauma around intimacy, your body, sexuality, and talking about sex & intimacy
Breakthrough your sex, love and money blocks
Gain the ability to let in the kind of love, touch and attention you desire from men (or whoever you date)
Master your relationship to your body -- understand your body’s natural cycles and rhythms and how to live in alignment with them
Do less while having greater results & be more effective in your work
Be loved and witnessed in your truest self: your emotions, feelings and thoughts will be celebrated and honored
Learn to trust yourself and your intuition
Be held and guided by two expert coaches over four months
Are you ready to unleash your most confident, radiant self?
What our graduates have to say about working with Aimee and Ellie:
"Before Feminine Reclamation, I had an independence mindset where I had to fully support myself and do everything on my own. This program has taught me how to soften and ask for help, and now I LOVE being supported by my partner so that I can spend my time focusing on things that bring me joy."
- Hazel V
"I never knew this level of sisterhood was possible. I used to have this belief that I couldn’t have close friends because everyone has their own issues they’re dealing with. How limiting! Because of Desire on Fire, I now feel so safe, loved and supported in sisterhood, and I continue to prioritize it beyond this community!"
- Althea J
"From working with Aimee & Ellie, I have found my voice!! It was silent for so long. I am able to stand up in a crowd and share my views without anxiety. And even when I feel anxious, I can stand up and share my truth anyway! I am so much more bold in taking up space as myself. I don't apologize for who I am, for being myself, for showing up authentically, for going against the norms -- especially in corporate environments!"
- Karusha M
"I relate to sex as a way to connect to my body now, rather than an act to perform. I'm more orgasmic than ever, yet I don't have a climax-oriented approach to sex. I want pleasure, connection, play, joy. Orgasms are very welcome and often present, but simply a bonus!"
- Carley W
"I never could have imagined the connection and turn-on I would have in my marriage of 14 years. Every aspect of our relationship has shifted. I enrolled in Feminine Reclamation exhausted from controlling every aspect of our household, making every decision, raising the kids and running a business, and I really wanted a drastic shift. Now I have the resources and tools to communicate in a way that my needs are met without nagging or fighting. I can be vulnerable, say everything I am feeling and share my deepest desires, and my man LOVES it."
- Prudence S
"I’ve gained a whole new level of trust in myself and my higher power. By letting go of control and trusting the universe, I am able to receive miracles in my life. By trusting myself and the role I have in co-creating my manifestations, I've taken ownership of my future. Experiencing this level of trust has unlocked my higher self and all her abilities!"
- Taylor T
"I've experienced a 180 degree shift in my relationship with men! When I started Feminine Reclamation, I was CERTAIN I didn't want a romantic relationship. I had a massive wall up in front of my tender heart, and it has been cleared away through this program. And wouldn't you know, a miracle has happened. I have met a man that feels like a truer match than any man I've ever known. We are head over heels in love with each other, and we feel like teenagers in love for the first time!"
- Aubrie W
"This work has given me permission to slow down and truly feel everything. I feel more empowered in my sexual experiences and have released so much shame around what I desire."
- Shannon R
"I love Aimee & Ellie's energy, their integrity, and their ability to be so centered in their feminine spine and magic. They command a whole room, and yet make you feel like the only person in the world in how they hold and care for every participant. I have so much respect for their wisdom, and I love that they walk the walk and do the work in their own lives. IT SHOWS!"
- Shaina L
What our graduates have to say about working with Aimee and Ellie:
"Before Feminine Reclamation, I had an independence mindset where I had to fully support myself and do everything on my own. This program has taught me how to soften and ask for help, and now I LOVE being supported by my partner so that I can spend my time focusing on things that bring me joy."
- Hazel V
"I never knew this level of sisterhood was possible. I used to have this belief that I couldn’t have close friends because everyone has their own issues they’re dealing with. How limiting! Because of Desire on Fire, I now feel so safe, loved and supported in sisterhood, and I continue to prioritize it beyond this community!"
- Althea J
"From working with Aimee & Ellie, I have found my voice!! It was silent for so long. I am able to stand up in a crowd and share my views without anxiety. And even when I feel anxious, I can stand up and a my truth anyway! I am so much more bold in taking up space as myself. I don't apologize for who I am, for being myself, for showing up authentically, for going against the norms -- especially in corporate environments!"
- Karusha M
"I relate to sex as a way to connect to my body now, rather than an act to perform. I'm more orgasmic than ever, yet I don't have a climax-oriented approach to sex. I want pleasure, connection, play, joy. Orgasms are very welcome and often present, but simply a bonus!"
- Carley W
"I never could have imagined the connection and turn-on I would have in my marriage of 14 years. Every aspect of our relationship has shifted. I enrolled in Feminine Reclamation exhausted from controlling every aspect of our household, making every decision, raising the kids and running a business, and I really wanted a drastic shift. Now I have the resources and tools to communicate in a way that my needs are met without nagging or fighting. I can be vulnerable, say everything I am feeling and share my deepest desires, and my man LOVES it."
- Prudence S
"I’ve gained a whole new level of trust in myself and my higher power. By letting go of control and trusting the universe, I am able to receive miracles in my life. By trusting myself and the role I have in co-creating my manifestations, I've taken ownership of my future. Experiencing this level of trust has unlocked my higher self and all her abilities!"
- Taylor T
"I've experienced a 180 degree shift in my relationship with men! When I started Feminine Reclamation, I was CERTAIN I didn't want a romantic relationship. I had a massive wall up in front of my tender heart, and it has been cleared away through this program. And wouldn't you know, a miracle has happened. I have met a man that feels like a truer match than any man I've ever known. We are head over heels in love with each other, and we feel like teenagers in love for the first time!"
- Aubrie W
"This work has given me permission to slow down and truly feel everything. I feel more empowered in my sexual experiences and have released so much shame around what I desire."
- Shannon R
"I love Aimee & Ellie's energy, their integrity, and their ability to be so centered in their feminine spine and magic. They command a whole room, and yet make you feel like the only person in the world in how they hold and care for every participant. I have so much respect for their wisdom, and I love that they walk the walk and do the work in their own lives. IT SHOWS!"
- Shaina L
About Your Hosts, Aimee & Ellie
Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie are the team behind Desire on Fire — an international organization and movement devoted to helping heal the divide between men and women.
For 7 years, Aimee & Ellie’s practice in coaching, embodiment, and the feminine arts has helped thousands of women globally embrace their feminine essence and create thriving romantic relationships.
Join these two on the journey of doing the messy, confronting, and humbling work of healing the deepest layers of your relationships with men/the Masculine… so that we can create a new normal for families and relationships for generations to come.
About Your Hosts, Aimee & Ellie
Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie are the team behind Desire on Fire — an international organization and movement devoted to helping heal the divide between men and women.
For 7 years, Aimee & Ellie’s practice in coaching, embodiment, and the feminine arts has helped thousands of women globally embrace their feminine essence and create thriving romantic relationships.
Join these two on the journey of doing the messy, confronting, and humbling work of healing the deepest layers of your relationships with men/the Masculine… so that we can create a new normal for families and relationships for generations to come.
Are ready to soften into your feminine, open your heart, and practice being more vulnerable and real than you ever have before (and reap the benefits!)
Desire a transformation in your relationships, intimacy and sensual expression
Know you have wounds with men and/or women and you’re ready to do deep work to heal them
Resonate with what Aimee and Ellie share, teach and post
Are ready to commit and invest in yourself, and make your intimate life and relationships a top priority
Participated in The Feminine Revolution and/or Radiant Woman and want MORE!
Are ready to design your life to match your deepest values and desires, get messy and have fun with a group of powerful women
Are not ready to take responsibility for your life
Blame men (or the people you date) for everything that doesn’t work about your love life
Aren’t ready to invest money, time, energy and attention into your growth + healing
Hate going out of your comfort zone
Think you need to be fixed or rescued
March 2025 - June 2025
3-Day In-Person Deep Dive Immersion
4 Months Coaching and Holding from Aimee, Ellie and Team Desire on Fire
2-3 Group Coaching/Teaching Calls per Month with Aimee + Ellie
Monthly Small Group Calls, with a Desire on Fire Pod Support Coach
Private FB Group for Community Support and Connection
Teaching Calls with Guest Experts
Frequently Asked Questions
The program is designed to accommodate a busy schedule. Our group calls occur 3 to 4 times a month, and the program is formatted in a way that supports the full life you're already living, and doesn't feel like a big commitment to add on top of everything else. While we encourage you to attend all calls live. And, we will provide recordings of each one in case you need to miss a call.
We share the dates for the 3-day in-person immersion well in advance (May 30th-June 1st), allowing you to arrange childcare and balance work and family commitments accordingly. We are here to support you in making this program work for yourself and your life!
Program Dates:
Feminine Reclamation Kick-Off Call (Wednesday from 10:00am-12:00am CT)
February 26th, 2025
Feminine Reclamation Group Teaching / Coaching Calls (Wednesdays from 10:00am-12:00am CT)
March 5, 12, 19
April 2, 9, 16
April 30, May 7, 14
June 11, 18, 25
The Embodiment Calls (Mondays from 10:00am-11:30am CT)
March 10
April 14
May 26
June 16
Integration Weeks
March 24-28
April 21-25
May 19-23
June 2-6
3-Day In-Person Deep Dive Immersion
May 30th-June 1st
*** All calls will be held on Zoom and a pre-populated calendar with all the details will be sent to you upon your registration. If you feel the call to be apart of this program, we TRUST your desire and that you'll be able to find a way to make the call dates work! If you have a question about dates/logistics, please shoot us an email at
Our Feminine Reclamation 3-day in-person immersion will be taking place May 30th-June 1st, 2025 in Austin, TX!
Yes! Feminine Reclamation is applicable for any woman who wants to majorly uplevel her relationships, purpose and sex life. The teachings we offer will apply, no matter what your relationship status.
We totally understand. The investment in this program is meant to stretch you. If you're a hell yes and you're scared about making the investment, email us and we can set you up with a call with one of our team members:
Yes! We’d love to welcome your friend into this life-changing program! She can register using this page, and she can reach out to our team by emailing if she has questions!
Group teaching calls led by Aimee and Ellie will be held every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm CT. Embodiment calls will take place every Mondays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am CT (unless otherwise indicated).