What does it take to be truly radiant?
The answer, we’re discovering, is not what we thought it would be.
The next level of female empowerment is about releasing the armor around our hearts and learning to understand, respect and receive from men and the masculine. And while this couldn’t be more challenging to our independent, boss babe identities, it’s the key to our radiance and liberation (this may be a tough pill to swallow, as it has been for us and for many of our clients!!).
We’ve found that doing the messy, confronting inner work to heal our wounds, so we can fully embody our soft, feminine power takes practice… which is exactly why we’re so committed to gathering women in person to release, reveal, shake, howl, dance, cry, hold each other, and shed our armor, one layer at a time.
So we decided to create a weekend devoted to…
Revealing your heart, being seen by, and receiving from sisters… so that you can do it with men
Embracing the tender, vulnerable parts of you so you can share them and feel safe to be fully seen in your relationships
Learning to trust your feminine energy and access courage so you can bring more vulnerability into your relationships (which makes your irresistible)
Releasing pain and resentment from the past and gaining a whole new understanding of men and the masculine… so that you can become a magnet for the kind of love and devotion you desire
Connecting to your erotic energy and animal body through feminine embodiment practices… so you can feel more alive and free in the bedroom
Fun, hugs, cuddles, magic, dance breaks, spiritual awakening, and lots of tears and laughter!
… in a container held by women AND men.
Join us to do the inner work that’s required to become the woman who can draw the King out of her man.
Why This Event?
Our annual sisterhood event used to feature a high-production set, fancy outfits, and lots of makeup and glitter.
And it was amazing in so many ways – a paradigm-shifting, heart-expanding, abundant AF, soul-aligned-sisterhood-creating experience for the 1000+ women who attended – and we are so proud of what we created.
But we are devoted to a path of growth and transformation, and inevitably, our work in the world is evolving.
So this year, we are stripping things waaaay down.
Because we’ve realized that the production actually distracts from the work we’re here to do.
We want to model what it looks like to be our real, authentic, messy selves, baring it all… to create the space for you to do the same.
In intimacy, the more masks you wear, the less others can feel you, and the less you actually get what you want in your relationships.
If we’re doing our job right, your mascara will be running, you won’t give a sh*t what you look like or what outfit you’re wearing… because you’ll be so in your body, experiencing the profound sensation of ecstasy, humiliation, and devastation mixed with surrender… that is truly embodying your feminine.
Why This Event?
Our annual sisterhood event used to feature a high-production set, fancy outfits, and lots of makeup and glitter.
And it was amazing in so many ways – a paradigm-shifting, heart-expanding, abundant AF, soul-aligned-sisterhood-creating experience for the 1000+ women who attended – and we are so proud of what we created.
But we are devoted to a path of growth and transformation, and inevitably, our work in the world is evolving.
So this year, we are stripping things waaaay down.
Because we’ve realized that the production actually distracts from the work we’re here to do.
We want to model what it looks like to be our real, authentic, messy selves, baring it all… to create the space for you to do the same.
In intimacy, the more masks you wear, the less others can feel you, and the less you actually get what you want in your relationships.
If we’re doing our job right, your mascara will be running, you won’t give a sh*t what you look like or what outfit you’re wearing… because you’ll be so in your body, experiencing the profound sensation of ecstasy, humiliation, and devastation mixed with surrender… that is truly embodying your feminine.
In order to have the lit up, devoted, conscious relationship you yearn for, you must...
Meet your shadows
Get intimate with your rage, your hunger, your fears, insecurities, and your tender heart
Do the (at times excruciating) work to let your walls down, learn to TRUST (especially if you’ve been hurt before) and open to receive from the magnificence of men
Be able to hold the quivering sensation of being f*cked open by life, by the masculine, and by God
Are you ready?
Time To Be Unreasonable
When women come together, a natural intelligence activates.
There’s a web that’s created that allows our nervous systems to settle, our bodies to soften and our desires to come online.
The “go go go… faster… more…” pace of the world starts to dissolve, and we start to sync up with our natural rhythms.
And if the idea of giving yourself this experience is scary/confronting AF…
We want you to know that we really get it.
And whatever it is that might be getting in the way – childcare, travel logistics, time off work, fear that you don’t deserve it or can’t afford it or aren’t ready…
We want to remind you that investing in yourself is always worth it.
What if you used this event as an opportunity to start filling yourself up with the time, attention and experiences your soul is truly craving?
Sisterhood, healing, embodiment, slowing down, community.
Whether you’re afraid, resistant, or wondering if you’ll fit in…
We welcome you, exactly as you are. We have space for every part of you.
Let us pour into you.
Let yourself get messy, fall apart, and crack open.
Let us give to you in the way you’re yearned to receive.
All you need to do is say yes and show up for yourself.
Time To Be Unreasonable
When women come together, a natural intelligence activates.
There’s a web that’s created that allows our nervous systems to settle, our bodies to soften and our desires to come online.
The “go go go… faster… more…” pace of the world starts to dissolve, and we start to sync up with our natural rhythms.
And if the idea of giving yourself this experience is scary/confronting AF…
We want you to know that we really get it.
And whatever it is that might be getting in the way – childcare, travel logistics, time off work, fear that you don’t deserve it or can’t afford it or aren’t ready…
We want to remind you that investing in yourself is always worth it.
What if you used this event as an opportunity to start filling yourself up with the time, attention and experiences your soul is truly craving?
Sisterhood, healing, embodiment, slowing down, community.
Whether you’re afraid, resistant, or wondering if you’ll fit in…
We welcome you, exactly as you are. We have space for every part of you.
Let us pour into you.
Let yourself get messy, fall apart, and crack open.
Let us give to you in the way you’re yearned to receive.
All you need to do is say yes and show up for yourself.
Join us in Austin, TX!
Value: $999
A 3-day retreat-style experience, led by Aimee and Ellie and their team of expert practitioners
Transformational tools & practices to enhance your relationships and life
Guided feminine embodiment experiences
Facilitated connection with hundreds of like-minded and open-hearted women from around the world
Radiant Woman
What Women Are Saying...
"It was so healing and empowering to be surrounded by radiant women throughout the weekend. The space created by the Desire on Fire team held me with such loving acceptance."
"I was living inside of patterns from my extreme masculine. Operating from a sense of control and entitlement. Since the Desire on Fire weekend, I feel very strongly the invitation to surrender more into my feminine and soften."
"There is such deep power in so many women showing up with nothing but love, to just get vulnerable with each other and be seen. The environment that Aimee and Ellie create is so incredibly healing. I’m still buzzing from the feminine energy and holding I received."
"Aimee and Ellie's vulnerability and authenticity in their teaching and coaching was incredible. Feeling them and their truth and mess allowed me to be vulnerable and connect to myself and others on a much deeper level than I expected going into the experience. The welcoming and safe energy created by the DOF team also helped me drop into my body, feel, and create deep connections with the women there."
"I love that all the sessions were heartfelt, authentic, thought-provoking, honest, and totally cracked me open. I love that the women there were open and non-judgmental."
"I didn’t believe my partner could even be out there. But hearing about all the amazing men some of these women have in their life and witnessing Rob and Ellie was magical. It was very expansive for me in this way."
"I used to feel I had to be taking clients as much as possible and too many days off meant I was losing money. Now I trust even more that time off does not equal money lost, I actually make more as I manifest more clients that are paying extra, etc."
"The connection and sisterhood of diverse women from all over the world, mostly strangers, sharing vulnerably and holding space for one another with so much love, nurturing, and turn on!"
Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie are *THE* dynamic duo that is igniting a revolution of turned-on, connected, radiant women through their company, Desire on Fire.
As millennial authorities in the global-wide movement of the new feminine, Aimee and Ellie know that the path to getting over Boss Babe Burnout isn’t a threshold to be crossed over, but rather is a continuous practice — one of the deepest spiritual practices for women today.
These two hold a fierce commitment to allowing their intuition and feminine energy to be their guides, and are a stand that any and every woman can do the same.
In the last 6+ years of hosting transformational intimacy programs for women, Aimee and Ellie have hosted over 1,000 women through their annual in-person event, and their global community has reached over 15,000 women.
Join these trailblazing visionaries as they shatter conventional norms and revolutionize the way women experience pleasure, connection, sisterhood and relationships.
Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie are *THE* dynamic duo that is igniting a revolution of turned-on, connected, radiant women through their company, Desire on Fire.
As millennial authorities in the global-wide movement of the new feminine, Aimee and Ellie know that the path to getting over Boss Babe Burnout isn’t a threshold to be crossed over, but rather is a continuous practice — one of the deepest spiritual practices for women today.
These two hold a fierce commitment to allowing their intuition and feminine energy to be their guides, and are a stand that any and every woman can do the same.
In the last 6+ years of hosting transformational intimacy programs for women, Aimee and Ellie have hosted over 1,000 women through their annual in-person event, and their global community has reached over 15,000 women.
Join these trailblazing visionaries as they shatter conventional norms and revolutionize the way women experience pleasure, connection, sisterhood and relationships.