What’s your dream vision for what you desire most in your romantic life?
A fulfilling, satisfying relationship, where you feel chosen, loved and cherished by a devoted partner?
Traveling the world, creating business and family together, going on adventures that fill your soul, all while having blissful sex and a deep emotional connection?
Walking through life with a King by your side, facing challenges together, and rising through it all in Divine Union?
Following your desires, fulfilling your deepest fantasies, and living with your pleasure as your compass?
Who would you be if you were deeply nourished by pleasure and satisfied in your love life?
You’d walk through the world differently,
Deeply connected to your truth and your intuition,
Trusting yourself and your life’s path,
Receiving magic and miracles from Spirit and from the Masculine,
Turning heads as you move with confidence and ease down the street.
You’d be a Radiant Woman.
The quality of your relationships is the most important contributor to your well being and happiness…
So why does intimacy so often get put on the back-burner?
While it’s normalized in our culture to invest time and money into business, goals, success, education, beauty, health…
When it comes to feeling empowered in your dating life, or satisfied and fulfilled in your marriage… it tends to barely make the list of priorities.
You’ve been conditioned to focus on and prioritize everyone and everything else ABOVE the intimacy in your life…
And as a result, you’re not getting the ONE nutrient you most want and need — the effects of a juicy, turned on, satisfying love life.
And only YOU have the power to change that.
Are you ready to choose this moment to invest your energy into your intimate life, and reap the benefits?
How does it feel when your love life is not working?
If you’re single and unhappy, or if you're in partnership and you’re disconnected - it affects everything, would you agree?
Life feels harder/takes more effort
You’re trying to pour from an empty cup
Pretending you’re okay, while your needs for affection, love and touch aren’t being met
Filling that void by overeating, overspending, Netflix binging, etc
And when this area of your life is LIT UP… everything else aligns.
You know how it feels when you feel deeply in love AND you’re having great sex!!
Opportunities come to you effortlessly.
Parenting becomes easier.
Your work life feels turned on and in flow…
But it doesn't just happen.
No one accidentally ends up in a thriving long-term partnership. It takes effort…
In fact, it requires the deepest inner work a woman can do.
Whether you’re single or in a relationship… inside of Radiant Woman, you’ll create your dream vision for what you desire most in your romantic life… and take tangible steps toward creating it.
After mentoring thousands of women to heal their blocks to love…
We feel so confident that your participation in Radiant Woman will help you become the woman who can have the intimacy you desire.
We get it…. It can be really easy to feel frustrated when it comes to your love life.
Especially if…
Your husband is shut down, disconnected and doesn’t give you the attention you’re wanting
You’re with someone who isn’t choosing you… no matter how hard you try to get him to commit
You’re dating and it seems like all the good men are taken
If you’re feeling stuck… we feel deep compassion, because we’ve been there (many times!)
And, we’re here to lovingly remind you that any time you’re focused on THEM…you’ve lost your power.
You access your freedom (and your radiance!) when you become willing to take 100% responsibility for yourself and your life… especially when it comes to your love life.
What are YOU doing that’s crushing the intimacy in your life?
This is the kind of honest self reflection we’ll be inviting you into in Radiant Woman.
It’s not easy to face your patterns like this, but it’s THE KEY to changing. And you’ll be held with a whole lot of humor, love and sisterhood through the journey.
This is why we’re so committed to guiding women in their intimacy and love lives. There aren’t many places you can go to have community around these topics and receive the tools, perspectives and support you need to create the healthy, thriving intimacy you crave.
To be the source of the love life of your dreams.
Deeply embodying your Queen archetype.
In sync with the intricacies of your desires and turn-on.
Living in harmony and polarity with a partner you adore.
Inspiring your lover to meet you in soul-connected ecstacy.
We are devoted to a path of transformation.
We’ve been walking this feminine path for 8 years now, and have gone through many deaths and rebirths along the way.
We’re here to model what it looks like to be our real, authentic, messy selves, baring it all… to create the space for you to do the same.
If we’re doing our job right, when you’re in our spaces… your mascara will be running, you won’t give a sh*t what you look like or what outfit you’re wearing…
Because you’ll be so in your body, experiencing the profound sensation of ecstasy, humiliation, and devastation mixed with surrender… that is truly embodying your feminine.
This is what is required to be a Radiant Woman, and to have the lit up, devoted, conscious relationship you yearn for. You must…
Meet your shadows
Get intimate with your rage, your hunger, your fears, insecurities, and your tender heart
Do the (at times excruciating) work to let your walls down, learn to TRUST (especially if you’ve been hurt before) and open to receive from the magnificence of men
Be able to hold the quivering sensation of being opened up by life, by the masculine, and by Spirit
We don’t have many examples to look up to of women who are truly thriving in their relationships with men, their motherhood, their sisterhood and their lives.
Women who are fully resourced, operating from full – instead of empty – with their highest aliveness leading the way.
This is the new way.
And we’re here to guide you on your path.
To remind you of your innate feminine power, that can fuel your life – if you allow it to guide you.
To move you.
To propel you into a life of devotion to that which makes you feel most alive and aligned.
When you tap into this ancient wisdom, and you’re backed in sisterhood… you can soften into the knowing that you are worthy of the life and relationships you desire
These are not powerpoint lessons to doze off to. These are high-energy, embodied, real time wisdom sessions, full of channeled magic. We create an experience that’ll have you feeling connected to women around the world, hearts witnessed and connected. Truth-telling, passion, co-arising excitement, shared turn on is felt, even with your feet kicked up on the couch.
All calls will be held on Wednesdays
8 LIVE Zoom sessions with Aimee and Ellie
Guided embodiment practices
Member’s portal for easy learning environment
1-year access to all content + recordings
Access to the private Radiant Woman Facebook group
The Feminine Revolution Participant Discount $1400 OFF
(Applicable to all payment options, current lowest price reflected on checkout page. No refunds offered)
Or 3 payments of $470
8 LIVE Zoom sessions with Aimee and Ellie
Guided embodiment practices
Member’s portal for easy learning environment
1-year access to all content + recordings
Access to the private Radiant Woman Facebook group
Live Event Ticket!
When you register for Radiant Woman… you get a FREE TICKET
to our once-a-year IN-PERSON event…
June 7th - 9th 2024 in Austin, Texas!!
VALUE - $999
Included in your tuition!
Join us for a 3-day retreat-style experience to Awaken your Sensuality & Ignite your Feminine Essence… LIVE in Austin!
Check out the vibe and details here: The Radiant Woman Weekend
Aimee and Ellie’s flow, their realness and rawness – it’s the real deal, and I’m just so delighted and impressed. The personal attention and the way you feel so supported is unmatched in comparison to any other transformational program I’ve participated in.
I feel so much more confident and powerful, and now have plenty of women to reach out to and connect with, who are on the same path and we all want an amazing life. I had my doubts about female connection, yet much to my surprise and delight, I discovered they were completely unfounded!
Aimee and Ellie are really unique and special – their passion for their mission and how committed they are to approval, healing & growth. Since working with them, I’m not hiding anymore! I'm living more in my body, everything feels so much more pleasurable – the challenges are still there but I have the tools to handle them. I own my patterns without blaming or resentment.
I work less now, I honor my ‘no,’ and I can also be vulnerable!
I’ve confessed so many secret/edgy desires to sisters in this program and continue to be loved by them! That is soooo healing for me. I can receive help from others instead of immediately saying ‘no.’ I’m more connected to my body, I feel more confident, and I embrace my sensuality instead of shaming it.
Aimee and Ellie are radically honest about their own lives, their struggles, their business, their failures, their accomplishments, their shame – everything. It’s refreshing and beautiful to see in this world full of pretense. It’s their vulnerability and the fact that they share it that’s so powerful.
I have so much more love and acceptance for my body, for the power and beauty of all female bodies, and for the feminine strength I carry within. I also realized how strong my desire for motherhood is, and this program helped me connect to my inner mama energy and prepare me for motherhood in ways I didn't know I needed.
Aimee and Ellie’s flow, their realness and rawness – it’s the real deal, and I’m just so delighted and impressed. The personal attention and the way you feel so supported is unmatched in comparison to any other transformational program I’ve participated in.
I feel so much more confident and powerful, and now have plenty of women to reach out to and connect with, who are on the same path and we all want an amazing life. I had my doubts about female connection, yet much to my surprise and delight, I discovered they were completely unfounded!
Aimee and Ellie are really unique and special – their passion for their mission and how committed they are to approval, healing & growth. Since working with them, I’m not hiding anymore! I'm living more in my body, everything feels so much more pleasurable – the challenges are still there but I have the tools to handle them. I own my patterns without blaming or resentment.
I work less now, I honor my ‘no,’ and I can also be vulnerable!
I’ve confessed so many secret/edgy desires to sisters in this program and continue to be loved by them! That is soooo healing for me. I can receive help from others instead of immediately saying ‘no.’ I’m more connected to my body, I feel more confident, and I embrace my sensuality instead of shaming it.
Aimee and Ellie are radically honest about their own lives, their struggles, their business, their failures, their accomplishments, their shame – everything. It’s refreshing and beautiful to see in this world full of pretense. It’s their vulnerability and the fact that they share it that’s so powerful.
I have so much more love and acceptance for my body, for the power and beauty of all female bodies, and for the feminine strength I carry within. I also realized how strong my desire for motherhood is, and this program helped me connect to my inner mama energy and prepare me for motherhood in ways I didn't know I needed.
You know that the type of growth this course requires of you must come from within – in other words, you know that you are the creator of your life and reality
You’re ready to take a deep, honest look at your patterns, blocks and limiting beliefs when it comes to intimacy and your relationships with men
You are open to connection and community – the idea of cultivating a new sisterhood excites you
You’re comfortable exactly where you’re at, and feel no desire to change your life
You blame the world (and men) for all of your problems
You want to keep figuring this sh*t out on your own – you’re closed off to mentorship and intimate sisterhood
To stop pretending that your sensual needs aren’t important…
Do the inner healing work that will create magic and miracles in your love life
To put your intimate life where it belongs- at the top of your priority list, worthy of your time, energy and attention
It’s time to soften into your feminine and watch your relationships transform.
This is YOUR moment – all you have to do is say YES!
Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie are *THE* dynamic duo that is igniting a revolution of turned-on, connected, radiant women through their company, Desire on Fire.
As millennial authorities in the global-wide movement of the new feminine, Aimee and Ellie know that the path to getting over Boss Babe Burnout isn’t a threshold to be crossed over, but rather is a continuous practice — one of the deepest spiritual practices for women today.
These two hold a fierce commitment to allowing their intuition and feminine energy to be their guides, and are a stand that any and every woman can do the same.
In the last 6+ years of hosting transformational intimacy programs for women, Aimee and Ellie have hosted over 1,000 women through their annual in-person event, and their global community has reached over 15,000 women.
Join these trailblazing visionaries as they shatter conventional norms and revolutionize the way women experience pleasure, connection, sisterhood and relationships.
If you can’t make a live call, not to worry! All calls will be recorded and will be available in your members’ platform within 24hrs. Having said that, we deeply encourage you to attend these calls live. So much of the medicine and magic of this work and community, is participating in sisterhood, and being on the calls so that you can engage, connect with, and learn from the other women you’re journeying alongside. So, we invite you to move mountains to be on live! You’ll be so glad you did 🙂
You will get SO much value out of Radiant Woman, even if you can’t attend The Radiant Woman Weekend. And, we are such a stand for you to be there with us in June!
Our participants do extraordinary things to stand for themselves to be at this event live. It may be a breakthrough moment in getting childcare, reorganizing your schedule, honoring your desire to attend, prioritizing yourself and your needs.. If you’re able to get UNreasonable (beyond your reasons), we trust you’ll have an exceptional and deeply impactful experience.
There will be a special zoom experience for those who cannot attend the live event. So stay tuned!
Sometimes negative experiences or feelings around groups of women and the potential dynamics can cause hesitancy. We get it. We all have sisterhood wounds. And that’s part of why our community at Desire on Fire is so medicinal for the women who participate. A huge pillar of our community is practicing an Attitude of Approval. So our containers are full of loving approval, from all of the women present. You will experience yourself and the women around you, in such a deep and transformational way. Even if it’s scary, we encourage you to take the leap, and trust that this will alter your experience of being in groups of women – forever.
This program is designed to help meet & support women at all different levels. Usually, about ⅓ of women in our containers are pretty new to transformational work, another ⅓ of participants have been involved in personal growth work for many years, but are newer to the feminine path, and the last ⅓ of women have a lot of experience in this kind of work, and are looking to deepen their feminine embodiment and depth of sisterhood.
You are welcome, and will gain deep value from this course, no matter where you are on your path!
We find our body of work and community to be unique to anything else in this industry.
If you’re feeling the call to participate in Radiant Woman, then trust it! There’s always value in being reminded of things you’ve learned in other contexts, and opening to new teachings, practices and principles that will expand your awareness and deepen your relationships.
We have a feeling the frequency of this container and the codes we share, will touch something new inside of you and inspire you in a unique and exciting way.
This course includes one call per week for 8 weeks, hosted by Aimee and Ellie. We encourage you to come to the calls live to get the most value out of the program, and to connect in sisterhood with the other women participating. If you have to miss a call, you can catch up with the recording on the membership portal!
2-3 hours per week. We’ll expect you to be live on the call each week or watch the recording, and do your homeplay practice for that week, before the next call!
© Copyrights by Desire On Fire. All Rights Reserved.